

Original music for flute and guitar, from New Zealand. Tunes written in the cracks and spaces between live shows, volcanoes and the overturn

AIR is a collection of original tunes written by Rennie Pearson & Bob McNeill in early 2023 and recorded in April 2023 in Takaka, in the South Island of New Zealand.

On stage we use all sorts of sounds, instruments and effects to create our mood. With Air, we asked ourselves the question: what could we do with just one flute, or a whistle, one acoustic guitar and two mics. Just the two of us in a room. No effects, no processing, just a bit of reverb to sweeten it up. Here's the answer

Recorded at The Other House, Takaka

Half Light are

Rennie Pearson: Flute, whistles
Bob McNeill: Guitar


Mixed by Bob McNeill
Mastered by Mike Moroney
All tracks written by Rennie Pearson & Bob McNeill

Released 5 October 2023



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